Osteoarthritis of the knee: this is the stage, symptoms, and myths about the treatment of the

Osteoarthritis of the knee is a complex disease and the other hand, degenerative nature, which affect osteo-cartilaginous division of the tribe. The disease most often affects the knee, the division of the lower extremities. The pathological changes in the cartilage and periarticular areas, which in the majority of cases develop on the background of the lesion, the biological aging of the body, for the infringements of the nature of autoimmune, seriously affects locomotor potential of the feet. The joint becomes logopedija, it loses the stability, normal engines, and the depreciation of skills. In the end, it gradually deforms, and, in the last stages totally fails.

type of astroscope in the knee with osteoarthritis) 3rd grade

The degeneration of the joint tissues are manifest not only in the physical form of the dysfunction of the lower extremities, but and strong and painful sensations in them. When the heavy weight of the current condition is of it is the cause of the disability, in some cases, paralysis of the legs. In connection with this unpleasant prognosis of the disease is important to discover as soon as possible, and will immediately begin the treatment.

Important about the disease

To the patients, it is important that before studying the treatment of the tactics become familiar with these materials, to possess in its entirety the information about the mechanism of the creation and of the clinical manifestations of the pathology is of is. Keep in mind that osteoarthritis and arthritis are closely linked between themselves, as this problem of the disease is the result of arthritis of the disease. But where does it appear the ill-fated diseases that destroy without mercy essential to bone connection? What degree of severity is osteoarthritis and what demonstrations can you recognize?

The causes of osteoarthritis

And on the other hand, degenerative of the pathogenesis of the "activated" the following triggers:

The fullness is the cause of osteoarthritis
  • you were dragged injury tibia fractures, sprains of the knee, damage to the body of the meniscus, tears cordial and tear of the ligaments, of the fall of knees, all kinds of injuries;
  • the excess of physical activity.
  • the sedentary lifestyle;
  • the high rating is called a rating called body mass index;
  • the system of the condition is is rheumatoid, gouty, psoriatic type, systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • genetically inherited weakness of the system, ligament, muscle system-or the underdevelopment of the structural elements of the joint;
  • metabolic disorders and hemorrhage;
  • hormonal failure, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine pathology is;
  • transferred or chronic infectious-inflammatory diseases.

Very often, people become guilty of the that has been developed intractable joint guidance of the disease. Often, because of a wound, ignored the go to a specialist, preferring to pass the first that has found a drug of pain, improvised this technology, and the like. And after a few years, due to the carried out in the past, insufficient treatment, they come to the appointment with the doctor already with gonartrosisom, in the best of cases – of medium severity. And since there is a physical prevention, and analgesic ointments, such as on the earliest of the current, without cost, to act, often radically, by the application of surgical tactics.

The phase of destruction

In orthopaedics of this disease is divided into stages, that in the future, and is repelled by the specialist to design a treatment regimen. The degree, the nature, the location, the nature of the origin of the destruction of the marrow of the connection of the tribe is identified through a series of activities of diagnosis, such as x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, ultrasound, different types of analysis of blood and urine of the patient.

Of quality for the treatment and the voice can't be without implemented information on the state of the knee joint, and on the body characteristics of the patient, and without a visit to your doctor and get him proper treatment recommendations. Therefore, desiring to improve the quality of life, don't ignore the visit of a technician with experience, he is the only one able to say if it is possible to pass qualified conservative support, or if your problem would only be effective for the surgery.

The pathology is that is has several stages of development, according to the classification of Kellgren a total of four. They are all characterized severity of morphological changes (presence of osteophytes, reduction of volume of the cartilage, a joint with guided and the degree of thinning, narrowing of the joint cleft, etc) and clinical signs (limitation of flexion/extension, the mass of the supporting ability, the nature and intensity of the pain, and others).

  • Osteoarthritis is the first stage is just a disease that is born. Outside of the symptoms are slight or absent, the consistency and the shape of the joint is satisfactory. In x-ray of the photo or magnetic resonance demonstrates the existence of a small territorial osteophytes of the edges of the articular surfaces, in podsolennom department of blurred subchondral osteosclerosis, by the small size of the bone cysts. Joint cleft usually normal or altered, but not essential.
  • The disease of the second degree, in addition to the above indicators, osteosclerotic focus of the most evident, is clearly seen in the narrowing of interarticular cleft. The patient begin louder and with more frequency disturbing pain at the time of walking, the ascent/descent on the ladder, the duty of standing, sometimes in the evening. Develops lameness, the movement as a whole acquire the disability, especially in flexion.
  • The third phase is characterized by the court for the progression of irreversible degeneration, and deformity. Configuration of the joint is greatly distorted, the distance between articular surfaces, with guided considerably reduced, bone spurs in the form of spines increased in size. The pain becomes a long and accented, and care about the person, even in a state of rest, the lameness is exacerbated. It depends on the mechanisms that support and help.
  • In the fourth phase, and on the other hand, degenerative pathogenesis of the infection, when they are present bulky osteopenia expansion, hyaline cartilage of the nothing is destroyed, the joint of the cleavage disappears or is barely observed the epiphyses of the bones articulate, formed a right angle, the stronger of a way distorted. The knee joint is recognized as totally unsustainable organ of the locomotor system, the man becomes disabled.

The symptoms and complaints

The intensity of the clinical manifestations depends not only on the pathological characteristics, but also of personality factors. In any case, las palmas de gran canaria, in knee osteoarthritis, is transferred to very hard, and in the 2nd, and 3-4 tablespoons In a general list of symptoms include:

the image of the surface of the knee joint
  • pain syndrome, primarily of mechanical type (awkward, plaintive laments, acute, sudden, periodic and permanent);
  • the emergence of crack in the movements;
  • the stiffness of the joint;
  • the limitation of the amplitude of the movements;
  • the muscle weakness of the extremity;
  • the hyperthermia of the epidermis and the swelling in the knee area;
  • the change of the gait, which shows the limp and the harvest of the feet;
  • the instability or the syndrome of "the drawer";
  • "jamming" of the knee, which occurs with a sudden blockage of the movement of the cord connection.

Important! The treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee does not work, if the disease is complicated that can happen in the worst case in the second stage of development of the osteo-cartilage degeneration. Unlike the traditional conservative therapy and alternative treatments, all, without exception, the operation for a serious knee osteoarthritis 2-3-4 degree of single instance so that in the long period of life helps to visibly improve the quality of life.

The conservative treatment

Bezoperatsionnye methods of treatment suitable in the initial phase of deformation of the osteoarthritis. The principle of non-surgical treatment involves:

  • systematic execution of physical therapy, developed by a professional individually;
  • the realization of procedures of physical therapy;
  • the use of pain relievers in the form of ointments, pads, injections, etc;
  • the good food and follow a special diet, designated by the physician;
  • the fulfillment of a special regime of daily physical activity;
  • abandonment of harmful habits;
  • absolute that refers to that refers to be linked to step of re-diagnosis;
  • the annual visit of departmental sanatoria health care facilities.

The operation of the osteoarthritis of the knee

The total knee replacement of

Now check with the surgery ways that most often occurs the need, as in the early phase of the pathology is often remains unnoticed. Basically, the matter has to already have osteoarthritis) in your "flower", which on the scale seized joint with guided structure and that affected periarticular of the matter.

  • The replacement of aid to more than 95 % of the cases in the most complete way possible to restore the locomotor system and the reference of the function of the knee of the division of the lower extremity. The operation is not easy, after that it must be complex rehabilitation, but the effect of the penalty. After approximately 3 months after the installation of a similar native place of the joint, an alteration in irreversible change, are returned to full range of motion of the legs, completely eliminated pain syndrome.
  • Introduzione – without circular the procedure of "short-circuiting" of the joint, due to its aggressive biological effects of the structure, however, it sometimes has to be, for example, if the person does not have the possibility of undergoing an implant. Your essence of the consists in the removal of the articular surfaces and fixes the connection of the bones that articulate with one another, special to the fixing devices in an advantageous position. With time, the natural effect of blending elements of the list. Artificial ankylosis totally blocks the mobility of the joint, but allows to achieve a good supporting ability of the extremities and the reduction of painful sensations.
  • Osteotomy of the knee – it is also used in extreme situations, for the same reason that fusion, in particular, when, it may be necessary to delay the replacement of several years. At the time of the operation of the session, the specialist makes the artificial fracture, podpilivaya bones and putting them under the more correct of the corner, so that cost-effective to distribute the load on the cartilage, items.
the doctor about osteoarthritis

Physical exercises in the irreversible pathogenesis of the no longer correct, you must understand this. The ointment and even drugs of the series chondroprotectors, not to mention the broth of the grandmother tips cured gelatin, special paper, also, that he would not play. The maximum of what they can to help in the implementation of the situation, as well is to prepare osteo-muscular apparatus of the next operation.

Modern knee implants are able to withstand normal daily loading, good running for at least 15 years, and often, and 20 to 25 years. The person can even with a replaced joint to practice some water sports.

The treatment of 3 degree

In the 3 stage of osteoarthritis do the operation. The changes in the joint are very pronounced at this phase of the disease is extremely low the level of life and state of the patient. Osteo-damage to the cartilage, has reached a critical point, in which the tissue of the bone marrow no functional connection of the importance of not represent. Hyaline mantle of the almost completely destroyed.

  • Important the cartilage does not regenerate by itself, even through non-surgical methods.
  • Peeled and flattened the surface of the interaction of the ends of bone are unnatural pressure one another constantly rub against each other, in serious injury to nearby soft tissue and every day deform even more.
  • The person feels the pain of loss, not to mention the loss of ability to walk properly. Patients experience daily of flour, and when the dream is not in the joy, and the day of pain there is peace. Relatively tolerant of state notice only the unity of the people.
  • Anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, usually, have a mild action, but the majority do not "work". In the chondroprotectors makes no sense, because the strengthening and filling the water miserable remnants of cartilage, it does not save the situation.
type of astroscope completely healthy surfaces

The consequences of arthrosis of 2-3 degrees sometimes try to treat the minimally invasive surgery (arthroscopy), in which you can delete edges osteophytes, as well as extract separate osteo-cartilage, the fragments of the cavity of the joint. Such manipulation, as evidenced by the customers, several of the facilitate the patient's condition, a little improve motor function, but only temporarily. Osteoarthritis in the knee, and it keeps you active and in a near future, of new will manifest.

The pathogenesis of 3-4 degree is very serious the problem, to decide who really is only a much more complex reconstructive and plastic operating modern. To this day, any procedure that can be compared with arthroplasty. Knee replacement, prosthesis, fully reflect mechanical characteristics, the configuration of shapes and sizes natural of the authority, will be given the opportunity to say goodbye as the ill-fated pathology is is, such as a disability, that he "awarded".

The disease progresses rapidly and can be reached on foot from moderately during the mid-stage of up to 4 degrees in a matter of months. The surgery take place you need as soon as possible until degenerative processes have not penetrated deeply into the bone. Very damaged bones can cause problems with the approach of a stent.

Many, until the end, without realizing that gravity is produced by the degeneration is incompatible with conservative and traditional tactics, they try by all means to avoid the operation, swallowing of pills handfuls, putting the ointment in his area. Someone is addressed to the osteopathic physician, in private, of the doctors, practitioners of all kinds of alternative methods. Unfortunately, against the nature you will not, healing after them, will not come, and this fact should be resigned. Therefore, turn the meaningless of the company, to act with prudence.

damaged part of the joint

Its physical validity entirely depends on your decision. You can follow for life tormented of the stiffness and the pain, in a vain, trying "empty" forms of treatment: medications and non-standard instruments that do not have a scientific basis for the effectiveness on the severity of the disease. And can undergo surgical treatment and start living a full life, free from the past sufferings and of the mechanisms that support them.

To worry about by the intervention, it is not necessary that the technology has evolved, and today in the foreign brilliantly changed the knee joints of long-term implants. After this implantation, performed in a good clinic, the risk of complications is minimal (1-2 %), and the recovery of the functions of the mobility occurs in more than 95 % of the cases. After the replacement of the joint will continue the rehabilitation course of 3-4 months, which include:

  • the physical restoration by means of a special treatment of the gymnastics;
  • the reception of medications (antibiotics, antithrombotic funds, etc);
  • the physical therapy program, which includes myostimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing procedure;
  • massage (in stages eugen end, d, of the rehabilitation).

It is useful to know! In 1 degree of the disease can be stopped and prevented conservatively. If you do not do anything and run with osteoarthritis of the knee, giving him the to spend 1 to grade 2, treatment with medications because a lot of problems, but for certain categories of patients is still relevant to non-surgical approach. The last two stages is always the operation.

The treatment of grade 2

When osteoarthritis of medium severity, quality of life is becoming considerably spoiled. Knee pain bothers me more strong, painful syndrome manifests itself more often and is more intense than it was at the beginning of the disease. Particularly is expressed the pain immediately after waking up in the morning, during the ascent and descent of stair steps. Often the feeling of cramps, which appears after a long hike and a long in the same position. Bending at the knee small, the ill person is not able to flex the foot, as required by the physiology. The person begins to respect the life of his limb, trying almost not to step in it, which produces atrophy of the muscles.

swimming pool recommended to all and always

Draw account that the treatment involves only the qualified personnel of an integrated approach.

  • If the doctor does not see the urgent necessity of the surgery, is the most important, is assigned to the reduction of the workload in the department. If there is excess weight, to ensure a good discharge of the populations affected by osteoarthritis joint, it is necessary to adjust the weight of the body, following the diet recommended by a doctor.
  • All patients were prescribed the use of mobility aids at the time of the circulation. This, depending on the existing problem, can be the knee the retaining clips, compression garment, elastic bandages, canes, crutches, canes, walkers.
  • In addition, orthopedic-trauma prescribe a kind of complex of exercises, which will help strengthen and improve muscular endurance of the affected extremity.
  • Also osteoarthritis in moderately average manifestation involves the use of medications that contain substances present in the cartilage tissues of the knee. These include compositions based on chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid injections, medicines with glucosamine. They can not repair the cartilage, but out of its component nutrients, so that you can achieve remission of the disease.
  • It is recommended that procedures and physical therapy treatment, however, apply only after they have disappeared all the signs of inflammation. Fizikalnie sessions, for example, the laser, the magnet or sonication, must pass within the medical facilities. Thanks to physical therapy improves the nutrition and the metabolism, bones, muscles, cartilage tissues. If you have purchased vibroacoustic apparatus for use in the home, first check with the specialist about the possibility of their application in its diagnosis and performance characteristics of the device.

We have examined the basic principles on which is based the official for the treatment of osteoarthritis, corresponding to the standards of orthopedic care. Like many people with osteoarthritis of the 2 tablespoons very interested in alternative methods, looking at them his salvation, we know the most popular of them. And we're going to find, so if you are unique, as they give to us on the internet.

Stem cells for the treatment of the knee

Stem cells for the treatment of the knee

There is talk of a transplant mesenchymally of stem cells of a patient with knee osteoarthritis of the tribe, taken from the crest of the pelvis or femur. Cell therapy, as they claim, the interested sources, will allow the grow grow reach, almost not the auto-renewal to the joint through a greater regeneration of the processes of self-healing in the damaged segment. Thanks to this technology, theoretically, can achieve improvements in components of the units of kostno-cartilage of the authority. However, in practice, until there is not even one "live" fluoroscopic test, which confirmed that after implantation of stem cells in weapons influenced by the place of articulation was healthy.

The influence of the Russian language of the stem cells in the joints and the bones has not been demonstrated and is now under a big question, because this technique in orthopedics is not yet recognized. Scientists can only learn and experience. In addition, information is available relatively unsafe influence on the human body of stem cells that, in the opinion of a highly competent professional, able to lead the oncology. And what about those people who have paid for the procedure and have been very happy with the result? Here you can say only one thing: many patients believe that for the money, and the eternal life, however, the placebo effect works, we must not forget also.

The treatment of the dirt

Mud healing sources that contain unique components (magnesium, chromium, iodine, bromine, calcium nitrate, etc), contribute to the reduction of the symptoms of painful, increase the flow of blood to the sick areas of the stimulation of the metabolism. The greatest value that they represent for persons with mild stage of the disease or patients who have already undergone an operation on the leg. To pass the mud therapy and allowed to grade 2, if the doctor considers that it is a natural remedy in combination with a curative treatment program will allow to to grow grow reduce aggression-pathological phenomena (stops the progression) and the general improvement of the clinical picture. Mud therapy is practised in special establishments of health, well-being complex type. Natural medical dirt to base of peloids applied in the form of applications and in combination with the method of galvanization (electrophoresis).

The use of gelatin

The gelatin is a good supplement in the diet to keep the joints healthy

Natural gelatin – a safe tool, which allows you to keep the joints of the structure in good condition. The jelly substrate, diluted in water, it is recommended to consume. According to comments of some doctors, the gelatin more quickly and more productive to perform in the bone, cartilage and muscular-ligamentous elements. The specialists emphasize that this method does not have medicinal properties, that only contributes to the prevention of osteoarthritis. Therefore, when you already held the pathogenesis of the relationalities when the lack of pathology is is, or in the early stages can be considered only as a measure of prevention of the onset or the progression of the degenerate-calcifications of the changes. When the disease is medium and heavy-duty nature, the approach and prophylactic treatment is not wrong.

Ayurveda for joints

Modern medicine is not traditional well-known by many non-conventional trends, among them, the treatment of ayurveda from different parts of the locomotor system. In virtue of this informal power, the defeat of the joint is associated with the excess toxins that are formed in the body due to the energy of the disharmony. Damage the mechanism of the violation of energy balance (rock Wool) is the most important thing, acts the weakening of Agni, or digestive fire, which led to the accumulation in the bowel of undigested remains of food (ami). Secrete toxins that the blood carries to the joint, where the harmful substances to sink in and disturb the metabolism process.

Of ayurveda of osteoarthritis are classified in several types, and each type of design your own system of treatment, the basis of every one of them are diet, herbology, the reception of ayurvedic pills and powders, the yoga and the gymnastics respiratory conventional massage, auto-training in healing, etc. - and of course, all of this sounds very good, but if the osteoarthritis cannot be reversed, even through the high-tech research, can you believe that herbal powder, the treatment of the thoughts and other tactics of Ayurveda sanarn a permanent deformation?!

Salt compresses

The salt is applied to the preparation saturated with the saline solution used for the impregnation of the pads, which come close to the sick person instead of a couple of hours. This treatment should not be considered as independent of the tool, and even more so, as the panacea of knee osteoarthritis. The salt is able to calm temporarily the pain, relieve the inflammation of the soft tissues that cover the bone of the building, without prejudice to the biological structures. But it will not cure the disease and not put on the feet of a patient! Its action is purely symptomatic. The solution is prepared of the settlement: in 1 l of room temperature, the water take 100 g of salt.

Worth the read! Sometimes the sun, apply in dry warm shape, which is placed in a bag, and they are are a local heating of the knee. Sometimes, as wet, but bandages are hot. Hot the procedure dangerous to the gnoyno-inflammatory processes in the joint cavity, that only a very aggravating the box clinical. Therefore, do not use these recipes, be sure that the defeat is not accompanied by the same process.