The osteochondrosis of cervical

Pain in the neck of the women

Few of the modern men have not heard of osteochondrosis. Most of them have already experienced the symptoms of this disease. The wide spread of the disease is due to the long the seat of the computer, the passive way of life, bad diet, etc Osteochondrosis cervical is manifested by pain, muscle weakness, limitation of mobility and a range of other symptoms.

It is not worth to ignore the signs of degenerative disc disease, because the sooner the earlier the treatment begins, the faster you will get rid of the disease. In the initial stages, we performed conservative treatment: receipt of medications, physical therapy, physical therapy, massage, etc., When you are complications and the destruction of the osteo-cartilaginous structure is assigned to the operation.

What is

The osteochondrosis of the neck is a condition is which is found only in people. The animals do not suffer. This is due to the vertical of the vertebral column. In this position of the vertebrae, and squeeze each other, which causes the intervertebral discs m? s gradually destroyed.

Collar of the unit is comprised of 7 vertebrae, which are independent of each other disks. This segment of the spine is quite mobile, that is why it is one of the most vulnerable of the plots of the vertebral column. The weakest link in the cervical region is intervertebral the drive in the first place reflect specific changes.

The prevalence of the degenerative disc disease cervical be weak corset muscle in the neck. In addition, in this stretch of placing the vertebrae of small size, that have different structures and too tight to each other. It is for this reason, even a small load on the neck may result in their displacement, as well as the compression of the blood vessels and the nerves of the branches. When jamming of the vertebral artery, which is housed in the inside of the spine in this section, there are dangerous complications.

The osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (SHOP) are about to bumps (displacement pulpous nucleus without damaging the outer wrap), and herniated disc. These cards that do not shrink bundles of nerves, blood vessels.

Due to degenerative changes of the intervertebral discs, increases the probability of the appearance of bony outgrowths (osteophytes) in the areas of joints of the vertebrae. Due to this narrow intervertebral canal and compress neuro-vascular education.

Help. Health statistics, of the degenerative disc disease, cervical often suffer from people over the age of 35 years. Although now it produces a rejuvenation of the pathology is, that often develops in patients of 20 years. This is mainly due to sedentary life and poor diet.

The doctors have distinguished 4 stages of the pathology is:

  • 1 grade – begins to deteriorate the cartilage of the joint between the vertebrae. In this phase of the disease has erased the symptoms. Unfortunately, patients do not realize.
  • Grade 2 – under the pressure of the vertebrae of the disc height is reduced, the integrity of their outer casing is broken. In this stage may appear a propellant. Appears the pain, limited mobility of the neck, that may be a violation of the sensitivity of the person.
  • 3 grade – propellant is transformed into a hernia, which constrict the blood vessels and muscles. In addition to pain syndrome, pain occurs in the back of his head, dizziness.
  • 4th grade – form osteophytes, which stabilize the vertebrae, but a pinch of the nerve fibers. The pain does not go away, occurs stiffness, and damage to neighbouring vertebrae, appear neurological symptoms.

It is important to start the treatment with 1 – 2 stages, to avoid serious complications, that can not solve the surgical technique.

The causes of the

The osteochondrosis SHOP is a long and complicated process, which may occur under the influence of many negative factors.

For example, in people of advanced age of the disease is related to age-related changes of the organism. Then, specific changes occur as a result of the violation of a local circulation of the blood, of the processes of change, the weakening of the immunity.

However, the doctors identified the main causes of degenerative disc disease cervical:

  • A bad posture.
  • The curvature of the spine.
  • The cervical lesion segment.
  • An excess of weight.
  • Tiring work a physical.
  • Be a lot of time sitting at the computer.
  • Passive a style of life.
  • The violation of the metabolic processes.
  • Frequent the supercooling of the neck.
  • Incorrect the organization of the bed (which is too soft mattress, the pillow of the high).
  • Frequent stress, chronic fatigue.
  • Congenital pathology is the structure of the SHOP.
  • Autoimmune diseases that cause the degeneration of the cartilage.
  • Of the infection.
  • Characteristics of the parts of the body, for example, is very long or short neck.

Under the influence of these factors begin to fail, intervertebral m? s bony structures of the fabric, damaged the bundle of nerves, the blood vessels.

The symptoms of the

The clinical picture of the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (ASAP) diverse. For this reason, the patients difficult to understand, what happens with them. The first symptoms of the disease are copied to the exhaustion. And after you see any symptoms rush to a doctor, however, in this case, the irreversible changes that are already present and restore the structure of the cervical region is no longer met.

Pain in the neck to osteochondrosis

The main symptoms of the degenerative disc disease of cervical spine:

  • The sensation of pain in the neck, the shoulders.
  • The weakening of the muscles that surround surprised with the segment of the spine.
  • The excess selection of sweat.
  • The violation of the sensitivity of the upper extremities.
  • Disorders of coordination of movements.
  • Headache (pain-head).
  • Vertigo (dizziness).
  • Disorders of hearing, of sight.
  • The horse racing of the blood pressure, etc

The character of a headache to the osteochondrosis is different: paroxysmal, constant, stabbing, dull. This symptom is manifested due to spasm of cerebral vessels, nerve bundles in the cervical region, the increase of the intracranial pressure.

When ASAP the pain is not always appears in the cervical segment, it can spread through the shoulders, the arms. The discomfort can occur after the dream, the abrupt movement, the tension in the neck, for example, when you cough or sneeze.

The osteochondrosis SHOP are observed the peaks of pressure in function of the time of day, constant in the hypertension that is characteristic for the pathology it is. Normally, when the pressure increases, we observe the following manifestations: headache, pain in the hands, numbness sheyno-nuchal translucency. The pressure drop is often observed after a nerve or muscle tension, long-term presence in an awkward position.

Syndromes of degenerative disc disease cervical

When ASAP is observed by some syndromes typical of the state, which is accompanied by typical symptoms). Its manifestation depends on the nerve branches and the damaged vessels.

Syndromes of degenerative disc disease cervical:

  • The vertebral artery – occurs as a result of compression or irritation of the artery that nourishes the brain. Then the patient suffers from disorders of hearing, vision, dizziness, pressure drops, migraines, etc
  • Heart – is developed in the compression of the bundles nerve Innervating the opening or the chest muscle. Then appears a burning pain in the chest, shortness of breath, weakness, the more upsetting the beating of the heart.
  • Hypertension: caused by compression of the veins, so that there is violation of the reflux of the blood from the head. Then increases the intracranial pressure, the patient suffers from headache, nausea, vomiting.
  • Neck of the migraine occurs due to compression of the nerves around the vertebral artery. Then appears unbearable migrenepodobna pain in the neck area. The attack lasts about 10 hours, and is often accompanied by a rash that has not been vomiting.
  • Root is the most common simptomokompleks when ASAP. It is caused by compression of the nerve bundles in the cervical vertebrae segment. In case of violation of conductivity 1 – 2 spine of cervical vertebra alters the sensitivity or is a pain in the neck. When it is damaged the 3 pairs of mutes the tongue, the area behind the ears, a man that is difficult to chew. Inflammation of the 4 pairs of roots are accompanied by pain in the collarbone, hiccups, difficulty swallowing. If you break the conductivity of 5 – 8 pairs of nerves do, it ill difficult to move the hands.
Help. Often, osteochondrosis cervical is manifested in several symptoms, then the diagnosis is complicated. Therefore, it is not worth finding out for yourself, it is best to consult a specialist.

The diagnosis

If you do not know what you should do if you see suspicious symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. If necessary, the doctor will direct you to the orthopedic, spine, neuropathologist.

The diagnosis of the search, apply the following research instruments:

  • The x-ray.
  • Computer or magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Electroneuromyography.

All these studies give some information about the cervical region. For example, x-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging is used to detect pathological changes of the structure of the spine. The electromyography allows to evaluate the state of the do nervous.

Through an x-ray, which takes place in different planes, can detect the accumulation of calcium salts, decreased the height of the cartilage joints between the vertebrae, the deformation SHOP, the presence of bone spurs, etc

The treatment of the

The therapy ASAP must be comprehensive. The decision on the selection of methods of take doctor taking into account the stage of the form of the disease, the severity of the symptoms.

The treatment of the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, long and complex. Fully cure the pathology is unlikely, especially if it is a patient of advanced age. However, to stop transfers of non-compliance in the cervical segment is possible at any stage.

In the early stages of the disease apply conservative practices in medications, gym, physiotherapy treatments, massage, orthotics. Most of the above described methods can be applied at home.

In the 3 and 4 of the stage, which is accompanied by the destruction not only of the cartilage, but also of the bodies of the vertebrae, it may be necessary for the surgical intervention.

Get rid of the pain, inflammation, relax tense muscles, improve the state of cartilage tissue will help the following medications:

  • The drugs for the pain. With a strong pain can help yourself, taking the pill metamizol sodium. For this purpose, we apply the nsaid, to cope not only with the pain and the inflammation.
  • The steroids that cut inflammation process and the pain. For this purpose apply drug-based hormones in the form of tablets or ointment.
  • The muscle relaxants help to relax spasm of the muscles around the damaged part. For this purpose we apply the solutions for parenteral injection to base of benzimidazole. It normalizes the muscle tone and the weakening of the pain syndrome.
  • Antispasmodics help combat the pain and muscle spasms.
  • Vitamins accelerate the recovery of the nervous system. For this purpose they are taking medicines on the basis of the elements of the group b, A, c, D, E. are Sufficiently effective vitamin-mineral complexes.
Help. If the pain is severe, and painkillers do not work, your doctor may prescribe novocaine blockade. The injections with the use of an anesthetic or steroid solution placed directly in the focus of the pathology is. This procedure can only be performed by an experienced professional.

In combination therapy apply creams, gels, ointments with anti-inflammatory, warming, analgesic action.

In order to facilitate the state of patients, improve their physical fitness, it is prescribed as curative gymnastics. The exercises help strengthen the muscles around your neck, improve the metabolism, accelerate the blood circulation, alleviate the burden of work in the area of the spine.

Especially popular is the ASAP gymnastics, normally takes place in the room with the special application of the simulators. However, if you wish, you can take care of the house.

Gymnastics the osteochondrosis of cervical

The complex of lfk the osteochondrosis cervical:

  • Gently move your head toward your shoulder, softservices in 30 seconds, then repeat the movement on the other side.
  • Tilt your head forward, trying to touch your chin towards the chest, then pull up and slightly forward.
  • Head down a little to find a player, turn to the right and then the left shoulder.
  • Press with the right hand the left shoulder, elbow, a little bit of lift. Then, turn the head to the right, make a stop, feeling the tension of the muscles.
  • This exercise is done, as the third, only during the rotation of the head raise the arms above the head and stepside them.
  • The hands on the knees, separating their parts, trying to assemble the shoulder blades, at the same time understand the chin up. So it works, and thoracic division.
  • Stand up, lower your hand, pull the neck forward, trying to be touched by the chin toward the shoulder.

Before that the most important classes it is necessary to make joint with guided warm-up exercises and take a shower to relax the muscles. After the execution of the complex to perform the stretch.

Treat osteochondrosis of the neck can be with the help of physiotherapy:

  • Uhf.
  • Lazeroterapiya.
  • The magnetic therapy.
  • Electrophoresis with drugs, etc

Magnetic therapy eases the inflammation, the pain. Uhf and the laser treatment speeds up the metabolism in the affected section, helps to eliminate the swelling. Thanks to the electrophoresis of the drug into the focus of the inflammation through the skin, where they immediately show their action.

With the help of massage, normalization of the muscle tone, increases the flow of blood to the affected area, the improvement of the trophic tissue. After completion of the course, which usually consists of 10 procedures, stops the development and on the other hand, calcification of the processes in the cervical region of the spine.

At home, you can use the applicator is a plastic device with a lot of thorns. In the device you need to go to bed or apply to his case the place. The applicator helps relieve pain, relaxes the muscles, improves the circulation of the blood, as well as motor activity.

Collar the pit apply when you see the pain. Is an orthopedic device confirms the neck in the correct position, reduces the load on the vertebrae, relieves the pain.

When the combined treatment sick able to get rid of the osteochondrosis of neck for ever. However, it is possible, if the disease have been identified in phase 1. In other cases, the activities integral to help to stop the development of the pathology is.

Chondrosis cervical

Many people believe that chondrosis and osteochondrosis is a disease. However, this statement is false. The first time that the disease is damaged only the cartilage pulls the vertebrae, and the second – degenerative changes are propagated in bone tissues. That is to say, chondrosis – this is the first stage of osteochondrosis.

Chondrosis in the cervical region develops when you violate the metabolic processes intervertebral disc. Then the collagen fibers are replaced by useless fibrous with a cloth hyaline cartilage obyzvestvleniya, it becomes less elastic. Its height reduced, so that it alters the function of the vertebrae.

The causes of the chondrosis and the degenerative disc disease do not differ.

Neck chondrosis has the following features:

  • Rapid fatigue of the muscles that surround the SHOP.
  • The violation of posture.
  • Periodically there arises the discomfort or slight pain in the affected section.
  • Limitation of the mobility of the neck.

As a general rule, patients do not notice symptoms of the chondrosis. Identify the disease by chance, at the time of the x-ray or an mri.


The plan of therapy chondrosis neck is a little different from the tactics of treatment of osteochondrosis. The first time that the disease doctors to prescribe nsaids and chondroprotectors. In addition, the patient should avoid excessive exercise or long seat. It is recommended to perform the treatment gym, eat right, give up bad habits.

Additional methods of treatment are massage, the quiroprctica. In addition, we show physiotherapy procedures, for example, electrophoresis, ultraviolet radiation, amplipulse, diadynamic, balneotherapy, the treatment of impurities. Its effectiveness in the treatment of chondrosis has shown that acupuncture (acupuncture).


In the majority of cases, the patients can get rid of the symptoms of the degenerative disease of the cervical disc at any time, and then return. Usually this is due to the patient later seeks medical attention or not to comply with the recommendations of your doctor during treatment. But there are those who managed to heal right away and as not to collide with your symptoms.

"I have found the osteochondrosis neck in 2 stages. Doctors have appointed to the anti-inflammatory pills and injections. After the pain is gone, the beginning of a massage, special gymnastics, used the ointment. After a course of treatment he felt considerable relief. However, after 3 months of pain in the neck has appeared again. Therefore, the course had to start all over again".
"I was a long time ago that I live with a band for the neck of the osteochondrosis. Regularly visit a chiropractor to reduce the vertebrae. But the thing that most helps me to therapeutic exercise. The doctor has given me several exercises to be very effective in the complex, which I try to do every day. But, as I'm just going to skip several sessions, it appears the pain again".
"Collar of the osteochondrosis at an early stage, it is very difficult to treat. And I what happened. First, doctors have appointed anti-inflammatory therapy delivered of the pain and the inflammation. Then the treatment is complemented by gymnastics, massage, acupuncture. In addition, I went to the pool, start taking vitamins, eating properly. To forget the pain forever, I had to completely change his life. No special exercises not a day goes by, however, the advantage is that I do not hurt anything, yes, and the physical shape has improved. I already a long time ago that I do not feel pain in the back and I continue to lead a healthy life".

The main conclusions of the

The osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a treacherous disease, that manifests itself in various symptoms. Not always the patient is aware that in reality happens. And when he expresses the pain of a hurry to a doctor, however, this sign indicates that one has and the other hand, calcification of the changes in the cervical segment. In this case, to restore the state of the spine can not. Then, the treatment is performed, which helps to stop the development of the pathology is and avoid greater consequences. The therapy of the degenerative disc disease is a long and complicated process, that requires beach of patience, organization. After you eliminate the pain and inflammation, the patient should periodically conduct physical therapy, visiting massage, physiotherapy procedures, apply orthopedic appliances, eat well, give up bad habits. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, comply with moderate physical activity, weight control, to monitor the position. Only in this case is achieved by stopping the pathology is and to live a full life.